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Allegra Alpine Lifestyle Gin

"Allegra" one calls politely to each other and means "Rejoice!". Enjoy the day! Whenever the morning is over but the evening has not yet begun, this greeting can be heard in the Rhaeto-Romanic language area of the Engadin and Münstertal. Just like "Hallo", "Servus" or "Salve" elsewhere, this greeting is part of the everyday language there. But not simply as a greeting, but connected with the wish that the counterpart may have a good time. For this joy also stands "Allegra Alpine Lifestyle Gin", the award-winning pure drinking gin from Tyrol. Juniper accentuated, a light lemony freshness and grassy approaches of dried lemon balm, cucumber and hops form a wonderfully broad and from front to back absolutely coherent aroma picture. Rounded off with fresh mountain water, the alcohol is perfectly integrated. Joy at 1st sight and even after the 2nd sip! When tasted with tonic water, a gin & tonic is created that stands out from the crowd without completely losing its character. Thus, after the pleasure sets desire for more.

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