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Riot Gin - classic London Dry Gin


Handmade London Dry Gin with fresh citrus notes

35,00 (€70,00 per l)
Including tax
Contents: 0,5l
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Riot Gin

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Delivery to Germany: 4,90
Shipping time: 1-3 working days
Riot Gin
Lead Botanicals Juniper, Kumquats, Grapefruit zest
Herkunft Berlin, Germany
Alkoholgehalt 50% vol.

More information about Riot Gin


What does Riot Gin taste like? Gin is not herbal tea, but juniper schnapps! So let's focus on the essentials. As you would expect from a gin, Riot Gin has a clear juniper note that is perfectly rounded off by selected botanicals. Restrained citrus aromas play around the juniper note and give the gin freshness. They do not dominate the taste, but lend lightness and a stimulating aroma reminiscent of sun-ripened yellow fruits. Riot Gin is rounded off with a hint of spiciness. The result is a classic, strong and complex gin that stands out from the crowd thanks to its clear commitment to juniper.


Why donate part of the profits? Although our name is historically based, we see it in a contemporary context. Riot Gin is a rebellion against the establishment of boring ornamental logos and invented regionality. The uprising against restrictions on freedom and equality. And also the uprising against the climate crisis and injustice. That's why we donate 20% of our annual profit to charitable projects that are committed to (or against) precisely this.


How is Riot Gin made? Riot Gin is distilled in a small still. From preparing the distillate to bottling and labeling, the production process is carried out by hand in northern Germany. It goes without saying that we only use natural ingredients. You can discover the naturalness of the essential oils of our botanicals, for example, by enjoying a cold gin & tonic, which is sometimes cloudy.

Location: Berlin
Country: Germany
Contents: 0,5 Liter
Manufacturer: Riot Gin
Drink type: Gin

Riot Gin

Der Riot Dry Gin wird in Norddeutschland in einer jungen Ginmanufaktur in einer kleinen Kupferbrennblase hergestellt. Inspiriert wurde der Name des Riot Gins durch die Gin-Aufstände, mit denen sich die Bevölkerung in England zur Zeit der großen Gin Krise in der Mitte des 18. Jahrhunderts gegen die Maßnahmen zum Verhindern von übermäßigem Ginkonsum wehrte. Die Entscheidung, einen Teil des Gewinns zu spenden, hat ihre Wurzeln in der historischen Verbindung des Namens Riot Gin, aber sie ist auch von aktuellen Anliegen geprägt. Riot Gin steht für den Aufstand gegen das Establishment, gegen langweilige Ornamentlogos und erfundene Regionalität. Es ist ein Aufstand gegen Einschränkungen von Freiheit und Gleichheit sowie gegen den fortwährenden Rassismus in unserer Gesellschaft. Daher haben sich die Gründer entschieden, 20% unseres Jahresgewinns an gemeinnützige Projekte zu spenden, die sich...

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