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Alrich Historical Liqueurs

Likörmanufaktur Alrich

By chance, we ended up making two herbal liqueurs from an old recipe book - and were thrilled! Both we and all who drank them. That's when we knew: Historical herbal liqueurs are what we want to make. Surprising, high quality and delicious. And there's still an interesting story behind each one.

In the northeasternmost corner of Brandenburg in the beautiful Uckermark region lies Brüssow - a small town halfway between Prenzlau and Stettin. And in this Brüssow lie the roots of Alrich Historic Liqueurs, our distillery and liqueur manufactory. Founded as a liqueur factory in 1903 and forcibly closed in 1952, we revived the company in 2014.

In our salesroom in a historical ambience you can transport yourself to another time. Through a large panoramic window you can look into the production room with copper distillery and large herb press.

Herbal liqueurs are our passion. Since we exclusively produce herbal liqueurs, it was obvious to build up an extensive collection of her bs. In glass jars you can marvel at over 260 varieties of herbs that were used in historical recipes. We also express our passion by collecting old liquor bottles. We also own many old books with historical recipes and production methods.