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Als erster First Class Energy Drink erfüllen wir stets ein hohen qualitativen Anspruch, der sich im gesamten Drink widerspiegelt. Vom edlen und schönen Design bis zu unseren ausgewählten, natürlichen Inhaltsstoffen. Erlebe selbst mit JOULE pure Energie, beeindruckendes Design und das beste Geschmackserlebnis! Unsere Energy Drinks sind eine Symphonie aus natürlichen Fruchtsäften wie Acai, Guave und Zitrone. Bei der Auswahl unserer Inhaltsstoffe gehen wir keine Kompromisse ein. Nur die hochwertigsten und besten Zutaten finden den Weg in unsere Produkte, um unseren Kunden ein authentischen und erfrischenden Genuss zu bieten. Keine künstlichen Zusatzstoffe oder Geschmacksverstärker. Jede Dose enthält Fairtrade-Rohrzucker sowie ausschließlich natürliche Aromen und Guarana-Koffein für einen belebenden Energieschub. Ginseng, grüner Tee und Acerola versorgen dich mit Vitalität und Antioxidantien. Spüre selbst, wie diese natürlichen Inhaltsstoffe deinen Körper revitalisieren und deinen Geist beleben - vegan,... More
Spices enrich the pleasure. But can I taste sustainability? Try it out, order spices from roots. and start your culinary journey.
KulchaBox Kombucha Manufaktur
Our Magucha Kombucha is a gourmet kombucha that is carefully hand-brewed and bottled by us, Julian and Anja, in our glass manufactory in Berlin. Our recipes feature a variety of healthy and natural foods. Unpasteurized so that it retains its lively character, extremely low sugar content, vegan and certified organic.
Black Forest Brewing
We are Black Forest Brewing, from the heart of the Black Forest. True to our slogan "Black Forest in a can", we create unusual beer creations with a lot of love for our beautiful homeland. In addition to its breathtaking nature, history and culture, the Black Forest also has much to offer in the way of culinary delights. Our forests are rich in valuable raw materials that are just waiting to be brewed into our beers. In addition, there are a variety of traditional recipes that we are just as happy to incorporate. In our Black Forest Cake, for example, we completely reinterpret the world-famous Black Forest Cake. So in addition to a natural and artisanal production, it is our philosophy to use the diversity of the Black Forest and bring it to the world. Since we do not yet have our own brewery, we rely on the principle of traveling brewing. Here we rent into other breweries with free capacities and produce our beer specialties. This type of brewing is also called cuckoo brewing - which is all too fitting... More
Natterjack Irish Whiskey
Business development manager @ Gortinore Distillers & Co Natterjack Irish Whiskey is a unique blend, triple distilled in true Irish spirit and carefully crafted using Irish and American techniques. Our whiskey started out life aging in ex-bourbon barrels (traditional Irish) and finished in virgin American oak (traditional American), using just the right amount of char before bottling it to capture a unique Irish whiskey. Our whiskey is an affectionate tribute to the Natterjack toad because just like the Natterjack, our whiskey has chosen a different path. The Natterjack is the only toad native to Ireland. While all around it are hopping, it walks. It chooses its own course. Thanks to an adventurous spirit and ability to roam, it shows up in the most unlikely of places, not unlike the Irish.
My name is Harry, but everyone calls me BLOODY HARRY. I'm all about enjoyment and fun, and I love my independence. I'm available as an award-winning dry gin, as a blood-red Jamaica rum spirit, as a refreshingly fruity energy drink or ready-mixed Bloody Libre in a can. And maybe I'll surprise you quite soon with more creations.
Bender Edelbrände
Being outdoors in nature, experiencing the season from blossoming to ripening of the fruits and the passion for good distillates have led me to train as a state-certified distiller and start with my own distillery. In May 2020 I was able to distill my first own brandy and since then I continue to develop my range with not too daily brandies, liqueurs and spirits.
House of Natural Taste
Die beiden Wahl-Chiemgauer Daniel und Maximilian produzieren als House of Natural Taste in Übersee am Chiemsee natürliche und handgemachte Aperitifs auf Edeldestillatbasis – die bayrische Antwort auf die deutschlandweit stark gewachsene Nachfrage nach leichten und einfach zu trinkenden Aperitifs, wie z.B. den Aperol Spritz. Die Idee für Ihre Produkte entstand aus Ihrer jahrelangen Erfahrung in der Craft Barszene Berlins, der Luxushotellerie in Deutschland, Italien und der Schweiz, sowie der Arbeit mit ausschliesslich kleinen, prämierten Craft Brennereien aus Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz. Quasi als Vermählung der traditionellen Brennkultur des deutschsprachigen Raums mit dem italienischen Aperitivo. Ihr Programm wird neuerdings um den ersten Alpine Dry Gin aus dem Chiemgau erweitert: The Flying Duck – als Hommage an das Wahrzeichen des Achentals, die Ente.
EDEVEDKA is more than the story that tastes. Behind it are us, Christian and Mathias, true northerners from the heart of the Ammerland and true gin lovers. The idea behind our EDEVEDKA Gin was born during a convivial evening among our friends, drinking, among other things, Vodka and Veterano. A funny slip of the tongue combined the two spirits and with the word "VEDKA" provided the laugh of the evening and at the same time the first part of the name. Some time later, we developed the name further and prefixed the "VEDKA" with an "EDE" as a homage to our hometown Edewecht - EDEVEDKA. Throughout the winter, we tinkered with different recipes until, in the eighth test glass, this special taste experience sent us on an incredible journey - EDEVEDKA No. 8 was born.
BOHO - Bohemian Dry Gin
Our small gin label has its origins in a cozy evening and a liquor mood in the late summer of 2020, when the idea arose to deal with the production of its own gin. It was important to us that we take the recipe production into our own hands, try it out, test quantity ratios to each other, pick up botanicals and throw them out again. For more than 9 months, we created gin sample after gin sample in our home kitchen before we put the finishing touches on the recipe together with our distiller. The result is a citrusy, characterful New Western Dry Gin with 13 botanicals (in the top notes juniper, grapefruit, orange, lemon, lime, mint, blueberry, angelica root and licorice), which is as little "mainstream" as the lifestyle and attitude of the Bohemians.
Lykaia Nutrition
Mushroom Coffee und Ziegen Protein? Lykaia Nutrition macht funktionelle Lebensmittel aus dem Wald, die deine Gesundheit und deine Performance verbessern und das alles so unverarbeitet und nährstoffreich wie möglich!
Konsum Premium Gin
Our hotel in Thuringia's No. 1 vacation region has one of the best-stocked bars in central Germany. Our hotel bar is equipped with approx. 300 high-quality spirits. Of these, about 50 rums, 60 whiskeys and 55 gins. During the Corona restrictions we came up with the idea to create a fruity, mild and very high quality gin, which in its kind is not so often found on the market. As a powerful partner, we have Gear Gin - Spirituosenwerk at our side, which during the development phase and also continue to support us during production with a lot of know-how. We use 16-fold filtered wheat alcohol for the production. This guarantees a pure, high quality product that is free of unwanted foreign flavors. The fine orientation towards New Western Gin with very berry or fruity aroma. Clean fruit aroma we succeeded in the production and inspires lovers of fruity gins. The consumption Premium Gin impresses with the pure and clean berry or fruity aroma structure.
pahua produces and distributes a vegan BIO caffeine drink completely without taurine, with less sugar. The delicious drink for those who like energy drinks, but also those who normally do little with it.
Currywurstgin UG
Gin tasting for home