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We bring culinary classics prepared at a high level into the glass, variety to the kitchen shelf and enjoyment to the table. In 100% organic quality, with a focus on regionality and seasonality. Cooked with heart and hand by chefs from starred restaurants. Freshly prepared in small quantities.
Jungewilmser Gin
Jungewilmser Gin-Manufaktur creates Bathtub gin exclusively by hand in small batches. Through the special manufacturing process, the botanicals give the gin creations a natural coloring, completely without dyes. The botanicals are finely tuned to each other and guarantee a special kind of taste experience.
Als erster First Class Energy Drink erfüllen wir stets ein hohen qualitativen Anspruch, der sich im gesamten Drink widerspiegelt. Vom edlen und schönen Design bis zu unseren ausgewählten, natürlichen Inhaltsstoffen. Erlebe selbst mit JOULE pure Energie, beeindruckendes Design und das beste Geschmackserlebnis! Unsere Energy Drinks sind eine Symphonie aus natürlichen Fruchtsäften wie Acai, Guave und Zitrone. Bei der Auswahl unserer Inhaltsstoffe gehen wir keine Kompromisse ein. Nur die hochwertigsten und besten Zutaten finden den Weg in unsere Produkte, um unseren Kunden ein authentischen und erfrischenden Genuss zu bieten. Keine künstlichen Zusatzstoffe oder Geschmacksverstärker. Jede Dose enthält Fairtrade-Rohrzucker sowie ausschließlich natürliche Aromen und Guarana-Koffein für einen belebenden Energieschub. Ginseng, grüner Tee und Acerola versorgen dich mit Vitalität und Antioxidantien. Spüre selbst, wie diese natürlichen Inhaltsstoffe deinen Körper revitalisieren und deinen Geist beleben - vegan,... More
Jeestinger Bräu
Spitzenmäßige Biere aus dem Rheinland. Gebraut in der Region mit feinstem Hopfen und Gerstenmalz für ein nachhaltiges Biererlebnis. Von Jeestinge in die Welt - Seit 2017 experimentieren und brauen wir handwerklich in kleineren Mengen Biere in unserem Heimatort Hennef-Geistingen. Daraus ist die Idee entstanden für uns lokal eine Biermarke für Jeestinge auf die Beine zu stellen. Durch Unterstützung lokaler Mikrobrauereien fertigen wir seit 2023 Biere in größeren Mengen für Jeestinge, das Rheinland und darüberhinaus.
The organic and vegan healing drink JAMU is available in three delicious flavors. All JAMU Organic Spices varieties are based on original Indonesian JAMU recipes with bioactive plant substances such as turmeric, ginseng, ginger and licorice root. These so-called adaptogens are beneficial and can strengthen body and mind - each composition of herbs, spices and juices has a different effect. Natural, carbonated mineral water as well as organic cane sugar or agave syrup not only provide a round taste experience, but according to traditional JAMU teachings, they also enable the absorption of micronutrients in the first place. At the same time, the JAMU Wellness Drinks can do one thing above all: taste extraordinarily good and quench thirst in a holistically healthy way.
Isarnhoe Destillerie
Our small family business, the Isarnhoe Distillery in Altenhof near Eckernförde on the Baltic Sea, has been in existence since 2009. Our focus is on processing regionally grown rye into whiskey as well as other grain specialties. In addition, single-variety apple liqueurs made from home-grown fruit are a speciality, although only available seasonally. Aquavit, gin and rum are also among our products. All our products are consistently developed and produced by ourselves.
IsaBee Coffees
I sell healthy and sustainable coffee from our own plantation in Brazil.
When we are on the lookout for new undiscovered products and manufacturers, quality and taste are naturally our top priorities in the selection process. But just as important to us is that the people behind the products are passionate about their craft and work close to nature. We are convinced that good taste and sustainability do not have to be either/or. Our spirits should give pleasure. With high quality, not with a lot of advertising hoopla and complicated technical blah-blah. Every day we are searching for special distilleries and people to find the greatest spirits for you. The good news: we found them! InnovativeDrinks - the better choice!
Ginger stands for ginger-containing spirits in Swiss premium quality. Handmade, certified organic and vegan.
inge Manufaktur
The handmade products of inge Manufaktur stand for real taste from real ingredients. Whether it's inge ginger syrup for your homemade ginger drink, the inge ginger liqueur for your cocktails, or our fruit spread for breakfast - with every product, the ginger tuber is rediscovered: Never boring, always exciting and fruity hot. Simply genuinely inge.
INDIE ROASTERS organic coffee & spices
INDIE ROASTERS has made social and environmental responsibility an integral part of its brand essence. Their goal is a coffee that benefits all stakeholders. For this reason, they maintain long-term, personal relationships with coffee farmers in India and import their organic coffee directly from them. However, the advantage of direct trade is not only in achieving fair prices for the green coffee. INDIE ROASTERS also works closely with the small farmers in terms of the quality of the coffee. All coffees in the INDIE ROASTERS range are also certified organic. You can read about the differences between Direct Trade and Fairtrade and about questionable coffee prices in our supermarkets in our interview with Anne .
IMPRIMER-GIN, kreiert aus 10 handverlesenen, verantwortungsbewusst angebauten Botanicals, darunter frische Orangen, Limetten, Blaubeeren und Basilikum. 100% Natur, ohne Aromastoffe und Zusatzstoffe, in kleinen Auflagen liebevoll produziert. Ideal für Einsteiger, da die Wacholdernote dezent bleibt, und der perfekte Sommerbegleiter.