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Organic linseed


Fine organic linseed from Baden-Württemberg - ideal for cooking & baking

4,99 (€9,98 per kg)
Including tax
Quantity: 500g
In stock
Die Ölfreunde

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Honest & Rare Promise: Not A Mainstream Product Honest & Rare is the marketplace where we bring together the best of the pleasure world for you. Each product comes from an independent manufactory & is not widely available in stores. Your place for alternatives to the mainstream.
Delivery details
Delivery to Germany: 6,90
Free delivery from: 50,00
Shipping time: 1-2 working days
Die Ölfreunde
Essen-Stil Leinsamen
Glutenfrei Gluten free
Laktosefrei Lactose free
Ohne künstliche Zusätze Without artificial additives
Ohne Palmöl Without palm oil
Ohne raffinierten Zucker Without refined sugar

More information about Organic linseed

You don't have to travel abroad to see the best seeds. A look around the region is enough.

Our organic linseeds are true superfoods that give your dishes the ultimate power kick.

Bake your way through culinary adventures and give your creations that certain something with our linseeds. Whether it's bread, cookies or muesli bars - flaxseed turns your baked goods into a first-class taste experience.

Get the vegan kitchen trick! Linseed is the perfect egg substitute and turns your vegan recipes into real treats. The mixture with water results in a gel-like consistency that makes your creations a delight.

Fill up with omega-3 power! Our linseeds are rich in valuable omega-3 fatty acids, which give your body energy and vitality. Whether in muesli, oatmeal or yogurt - with our flaxseed you can get the best out of your meals.

Create masterpieces in your kitchen! Our flaxseeds are not only a superfood, but also a natural thickener for soups, sauces and smoothies. Create creamy consistencies and impress your guests with unique taste explosions.

Start your culinary adventure now with our crunchy linseeds. Order today and experience the power and versatility of these superfoods in your kitchen!

Location: Beuron
Vegetarian: YES
Without gelatin: YES
Without soy: YES
Country: Germany
Quantity: 500g
Manufacturer: The oil friends
Organic (according to EC Organic Regulation): YES

The oil friends

Hallo, ich bin Paul - Ölmüller und Gründer der Ölfreunde. Unsere Speiseölmanufaktur im Herzen des Naturparks Obere Donau bietet Tropfen für Tropfen Naturgenuss aus regionalen Saaten, schonend verarbeitet und ohne Schnick-Schnack. Nachhaltigkeit und hohe Qualitätsstandards stehen bei uns an erster Stelle. Wir arbeiten eng mit regionalen Anbietern zusammen, um unseren ökologischen Fußabdruck zu minimieren und nutzen alle Nebenprodukte sinnvoll. Meine Leidenschaft für das Ölpressen begann schon früh, als ich mit 12 Jahren eine Ölpresse unterm Weihnachtsbaum fand. Was als Hobby begann, entwickelte sich dank meines Engagements und eines wachsenden Teams zu den Ölfreunden. Trotzdem bleibt die Schule mein Hauptberuf, während das Ölpressen für mich eine Berufung ist.

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Die Ölfreunde