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The taste of the Silk Road - Brombyrina Silkgin

by Anastasia Hartleib
So schmeckt die Seidenstraße - Brombyrina Silkgin

The Silk Road is not only an ancient trade route, it is also surrounded by a legendary atmosphere. Historical figures, mystical places, a thirst for adventure and the exoticism of the near and far East combine to create an irresistible lure.

Fortunately, you don't even have to get on a plane to satisfy this temptation - you can simply drink it.

You can order the Brombyrina Silkgin directly here: To the product

Inspired by the travel diaries of a silk merchant

Brombyrina Sil kgin captures the unique flavors of the Silk Road and weaves them into an incredible taste experience. Oriental mulberries characterize the taste of this New Western gin, which is supported by the finest botanicals that can be picked up along the ancient trade route: Vietnamese pepper, Ceylon cinnamon as well as saffron and freshly harvested oranges and lemons, which can be found in the Mediterranean region as well as in Madagascar, India and China.

Der Brombyrina Silkgin wird mit Botanicals hergestellt, die entlang der Seidenstraße zu finden sind
Brombyrina Silkgin is made with botanicals that can be found along the Silk Road

The idea for Brombyrina Silkgin came from Stephanie Ränke. The Hamburg native runs "Port of Silk", one of the most traditional silk shops in the Hanseatic city. It sells fine fabrics imported directly from India and is available for exclusive textile goods. In the cellar of her venerable store, she came across old pictures and travel diaries of the founder of the Port of Silk, Liselotte Roloff. When she founded the 'East Asian Silk Import' over 60 years ago, she visited the countries of origin of the silk to ensure good quality.

The current manager was both inspired and fascinated by the impressions of her predecessor - and decided to honor her with a special creation: "As alcohol was also traded along the Silk Road at that time, I came across gin. You can be so wonderfully creative when making gin and it can reflect the colorfulness and lightness of silk very well. I wanted people to drink the gin and be taken on a journey along the Silk Road. An experience full of different tastes, smells and colors." The Brombyrina Silkgin was born.

Ideengeberin für den Brombyrina Silkgin ist Stephanie Ränke, Geschäftsführerin von einem der traditionsreichsten Seidenkontore in Hamburg
Stephanie Ränke, Managing Director of one of the most traditional silk shops in Hamburg, came up with the idea for Brombyrina Silkgin

The name of the gin is derived from the Latin name 'Bombyx Mandarina' - a subspecies of silkworm from whose cocoons the threads for the fine fabrics are extracted. Stephanie Ränke added an R to the fusion of words - symbolizing the wheel of life, a Buddhist symbol for the eternal cycle of existence.

Produced in one of the best distilleries in Germany

Incidentally, Brombyrina Silkgin is not produced in Hamburg, but in Kail on the Moselle. This is the home of the Vallendar distillery, an international award-winning distillery run by Hubertus Vallendar. It is clear why Stephanie Ränke turned to the distillery in the Palatinate: anyone who sells the highest quality textiles is also looking for the best quality that the craft has to offer when it comes to gin, a project close to her heart. With its regular gold awards at the World Spirits Awards, Hubertus Vallendar turned out to be exactly the right choice.

Hergestellt wird der Gin vom Gründer der Vallendar Brennerei: Hubertus Vallendar
The gin is produced by the founder of the Vallendar distillery: Hubertus Vallendar

After gentle maceration, the gin is distilled four times before being brought to drinking strength with water filtered through silk. Silk can therefore be found at every stage of the production process - from the creation of the idea to production and packaging: If you wish, you can choose a matching silk pouch for your Brombyrina Silkgin bottle.

Incidentally, the silky gin can be enjoyed in both summer and winter. Just like its namesake fabric, the gin combines warming and refreshing properties in equal measure. While the freshness of the citrus fruits combined with the mulberry aroma is delightful on hot days, the spicier aromas come to the fore in winter. Brombyrina Silkgin is a special gin - with a special story.

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