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From the tree to the bottle - a portrait of Feiner Kappler

by Anastasia Hartleib
Vom Baum bis in die Flasche - Feiner Kappler im Portrait

At Axel Baßler's distillery Feiner Kappler, the motto is: "From the tree to the bottle". On his farm in Kappelrodeck, located between the Black Forest National Park and Strasbourg in France, he doesn't just distil brandies. Everything is carefully handcrafted here - from cultivation to bottling.

Buy fine Kappler distillates & liqueurs

A lot happens before a distillate ends up in the bottle. First of all, trees, bushes and plants have to be cared for all year round before they bear fruit. These then have to be harvested, cleaned and sorted before they finally end up in the still. This is where the distiller can finally work his magic, which he then carefully captures in the specially labeled bottles.

Only those who grow their own fruit have control over its quality

On closer inspection, "from the tree to the bottle" turns out to be a rather laborious process that not only requires a lot of hard physical work, but also patience. So why does Axel Baßler do it? "It's the only way I can guarantee that the quality I want ends up in my customers' glasses," he says. If you buy everything in, you have to take what's available. And that doesn't always mean the best quality.

Vom Anbau bis zur Verarbeitung der Früchte mach Axel Baßler alles selbst.
From growing to processing the fruit, Axel Baßler does everything himself.

But the distiller and farmer from the Black Forest stands by the tree and sees, for example, that the cherries are not yet ready. So they stay on the tree for another week until they have reached the necessary ripeness to end up in the Feiner Kappler Kirsche Edelbrand. A luxury that you can hardly afford in the traditional retail business - but one that makes a significant difference to the taste of a distillate.

The fact that Axel Baßler learned to grow and process the fruit himself from an early age probably also played a role in his decision. After all, the farm and distillery have been in the family for at least four generations. Even as a young boy, he would stand in the fields, lend a hand and watch his grandfather and father distilling. That leaves its mark. Even if initially in the opposite direction.

From youthful rebellion to taking on the family legacy

As a teenager, Axel didn't want to know anything about continuing the family business. "My buddies went to the swimming pool in the summer, I had to go to the fields or the vineyards. I just wanted to have free time and regular working hours. So I decided to do an apprenticeship as an offset printer," he says. He calls it youthful rebellion. He also practiced his profession in the industry for quite a while. But at some point he realized that he longed to return to the fields. "When you see something every day, you sometimes don't appreciate it anymore. That's how I felt about working on the farm. The longer I was in my job, the more I was able to appreciate what it means to be your own boss and to be able to work in nature every day."

Für Axel ist es jedes mal wieder aufs neue spannend, die Aromen seiner Zutaten möglichst klar ins Destillat zu bekommen
For Axel, it is always exciting to get the flavors of his ingredients into the distillate as clearly as possible

So in 2009 he decided to take on the family legacy after all. Better late than never, some would say. He carefully rebuilt the business step by step according to his own standards. His father was particularly passionate about wholesale. Axel, on the other hand, had a different goal in mind: his own brand, characterized by high quality and clean craftsmanship - and without artificial additives. In 2012, he launched his first own distillates on the market - and immediately won two awards. At the Baden Fruit Brandy Awards, where up to 3,000 samples are taken each year, Axel Baßler won gold for his Mirabelle plum brandy and bronze for his Zwetschge brandy. And he immediately adds: "I know exactly why the plum brandy only won bronze. The plums weren't quite ripe back then. You could just taste that."

A true perfectionist. Today, he occasionally sits on the competition jury himself and enjoys having other people's work under his nose. For this reason, he also trained as a fine brandy sommelier a good five years ago. Because inspiration from outside never hurts.

Gin, Whisky, Obstbrände & Liköre zählen zum Sortiment von Feiner Kappler
Feiner Kappler's range includes gin, whisky, fruit brandies and liqueurs

And so it is that Axel Baßler distils other creations in addition to the classics from his own cultivation, such as the award-winning Mirabelle plum brandy or the green walnut liqueur. For example, his Distilled Dry Gin - London Dry Gin, which was inspired by a cooking course on a trip to Thailand, or the Witch Hill Whisky, which matures in barrels from the local winegrowers' cooperative. It is true that ingredients such as juniper, kaffir lime and barley have to be bought in, as the regional climate imposes its own limits on cultivation. Nevertheless, the distiller pays attention to the best possible quality and deliberately avoids artificial colorings or other additives. Because if it says Feiner Kappler on it, it should only be Feiner Kappler. And that means: pure nature, handcrafted with love, in the middle of beautiful Kappelrodeck. Cheers!

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