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Moon Spirits Premium Dry Gin - a gin like moonlight

by Anastasia Hartleib
Moon Spirits Premium Dry Gin - ein Gin wie das Mondlicht

The moon has been a source of inspiration since time immemorial. With its almost mystical luminosity, the celestial body has fascinated creative and philosophical minds alike. Whether Goethe, Caspar David Friedrich or Kant - they all fell under the moon's spell and expressed this in their works.

Not so long ago, a new, drinkable work of art was created that pays homage to the mystical power of the moon: Moon Spirits Premium Dry Gin.

Buy Moon Spirits Premium Dry Gin

Ben and Julian are two friends from Berlin who were overcome by moon mania one balmy summer night. They were sitting outside with a glass of gin and tonic in their hands while the full moon shone down on them in all its glory. Captivated by the nocturnal atmosphere and the soft light of the moon reflected in their glasses, the two decided without further ado: this feeling must be in the gin.

And so Moon Spirits was born. The two gin enthusiasts quickly agreed that they needed to find a lead botanical for their Moon Spirits Dry Gin that would do justice to the grace and legendary aura of the moon. And they found it in the Queen of the Night.

Die Blüten der Königin der Nacht blühen immer nur eine Nacht lang - und haben den Kaktus so zu einer sagenumwobenen Ikone gemacht. Eine perfekte Zutat also für den Moon Spirits Premium Dry Gin
The flowers of the Queen of the Night only bloom for one night at a time - making the cactus a legendary icon. The perfect ingredient for Moon Spirits Premium Dry Gin

The cactus from the Central American region only opens its extravagant flowers for a single night - which has made it a mysterious icon, and not just among plant enthusiasts. "We wanted a botanical that was both exclusive and symbolically strong. We were immediately fascinated by the Queen of the Night. It symbolizes the beauty and transience of the night, which we wanted to capture in our gin," explains Julian. And, incidentally, the flesh of the cacti gives the gin an exotic, fresh aroma.

In addition to the obligatory juniper and classic spices such as coriander seeds, angelica root and cardamom, fruity-fresh citrus zest, two types of pepper, the finest elderberry and tasty rose petals are also added. The result is a wonderfully exotic freshness which, thanks to the combination of pepper and floral notes, takes on an inimitable depth without losing its softness. Just as the soft light of the full moon makes the darkness of the night glow.

Den Moon Spirits Premium Dry Gin gibt es auch in der Sternzeichen Edition
Moon Spirits Premium Dry Gin is also available in the Zodiac Edition

The unique aroma of Moon Spirits Premium Dry Gin is also accompanied by a lovingly designed label that provides a visual counterpart to the gin's taste characteristics. But Ben and Julian from Moon Spirits wouldn't be the creative founders if they hadn't thought of another special feature: Moon Spirits Dry Gin is also available in a zodiac sign edition.

The pair designed a separate label for each of the twelve signs of the zodiac, which provides exciting additional information and horoscopes via an integrated QR code. This makes Moon Spirits Premium Dry Gin not only a pretty eye-catcher on any table, but also a great, individual gift for birthdays or other occasions. Moon Spirits Premium Dry Gin is just like its role model: out of this world.

You can also take another look at the gin in the zodiac sign edition at Moon Spirits here: To Moon Spirits Premium Dry Gin Zodiac Edition

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