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Eggnog vs. eggnog - creamy Christmas classics

by Anastasia Hartleib
Eggnog vs. Eierpunsch - Cremige Weihnachtsklassiker

Creamy drinks belong to Christmas and winter like a cold beer to summer or the Easter bunny to Easter. Nothing is more comforting than a creamy, frothy liquid that slowly warms you from the inside on cold days. So it's no wonder that eggnog and eggnog are very popular at Christmas.

To clear up any misunderstandings right away: no, eggnog and eggnog are not the same thing. While eggnog is particularly popular in English-speaking countries, eggnog is mainly found in Germany. The two drinks also differ in terms of preparation. But see for yourself.

Eggnog ist vor allem im englischsprachigen Raum verbreitet.
Eggnog is particularly popular in English-speaking countries.

Eggnog recipe - with and without alcohol


  • 500 ml milk
  • 150 ml cream
  • 1 pinch of cinnamon
  • 1 pinch nutmeg
  • pulp of 1 vanilla pod
  • 4 egg yolks
  • 80 g sugar
  • Rum (if required)


  1. Heat the milk, cream, cinnamon, nutmeg and vanilla (do not boil).
  2. Meanwhile, beat the egg yolks and sugar until frothy.
  3. Add the hot milk to the egg mixture and stir constantly so that the egg does not set.
  4. Heat everything again until the mixture has a nice creamy consistency.
  5. For the version with alcohol, add a dash of rum at the end. Enjoy!

You can drink the eggnog either hot or cold. Either way, the warm drink with egg and cream is a delicious treat for the whole family - you can also add the shot of rum to the glass when serving, making it a grown-up version.

Unlike the American or English cult drink, eggnog is not made with fresh eggs and milk, but with eggnog and wine. As a result, the punch is somewhat lighter than eggnog - and even quicker to prepare.

Eierpunsch bereitet man nicht mit frischen Eiern, sondern mit Eierlikör zu.
Eggnog is not made with fresh eggs, but with eggnog.

Recipe for eggnog


  • 750 ml eggnog
  • 500 ml white wine (sweet)
  • 500 ml orange juice
  • vanilla sugar
  • cinnamon, aniseed, cloves, cardamom
  • whipped cream


  1. Mix the egg liqueur with the wine and juice & heat.
  2. Season with sugar to taste.
  3. Season with spices for a Christmassy touch.
  4. Serve with whipped cream.

Brandy Alexander is also a wonderfully creamy drink. Find out how to make it here: Brandy Alexander cocktail recipe

By the way: eggs and dairy products are not the only drinks that have a nice creamy consistency. It also works with: Avocado! In fact, eggnog is based on an ancient South American drink made from the iconic jungle fruit. If you want to find out more about eggnog, take a look at this blog article about eggnog, which not only contains more exciting facts, but also a good recipe for making it yourself.

Fancy more avocado? Here you can find the Abacaty avocado liqueur.


About the autor:

Anastasia Hartleib

Anastasia Hartleib

Katalog & Marketing Managerin

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