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Browar Nook

Browar Nook

After years of working in the beer industry, the idea of making my own beer began to form in my head. At first it seemed timid, but soon another question prevailed, "Will it work?"

But the idea of "I'm dreaming of my own craft beer" returned and wouldn't let go. When I saw hops and malt in my dream and heard the words Brewery Rzemieślniczy instead of my first and last name, I had no choice but to make the dream come true!

From that moment on, the idea picked up momentum and the positive energy and belief in our success drove us to action. September 2018 was the day: Browar Nook came on the market, with the first three beers in the bag: "Faza Przedna", "Time for a break" and "Po Korkach".