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Drinks are undoubtedly a science in themselves - from chemistry, physics and natural history to craft, history and culture. Here you can quench your thirst for background knowledge about the beverage styles of this world. We prepare everything important for you in compact form, so that you can shine with your knowledge at the regulars' table.
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Zitronensaft - der Alleskönner für Küche, Bar & Co.

Lemon juice - the all-rounder for the kitchen, bar & co.

How much juice is in a lemon? What can lemon juice be used for? And what is the difference betwee...

Was ist Kimchi? Koreas fermentiertes Gemüse

What is kimchi? Korea's fermented vegetables

Did you know that making kimchi is a UNESCO World Heritage Site? We have collected this and many ...

Unterschied zwischen Kaffee und Espresso

What is the difference between coffee and espresso?

What is the difference between espresso and coffee? The coffee beans are the same, but there are ...

Was ist Mascarpone? Infos, Alternativen & mehr

What is mascarpone? Info, alternatives & more

We have all the information you need about mascarpone, the creamy all-rounder from Italy - includ...

Trüffel - Wissenswertes rund um die Delikatesse

Truffles - interesting facts about the noble delicacy

What are truffles - and why are they so expensive? Here you can find out everything you need to k...

Low Carb - Alles über eine kalorienarme Ernährung

Low carb - All about a low-calorie diet

Here you can find out all about low carb and what a low-calorie diet entails. We also have tips &...

Tapas - alles zu den kleinen Speisen aus Spanien

Tapas - everything about the small dishes from Spain

What are tapas, what do you drink with them & what dishes are typically served in Spain? Find out...

Matcha - Alles, was du über das grüne Wundergetränk wissen solltest

Matcha - everything you need to know about the green wonder drink

Here you can find out everything you need to know about matcha - from its history to its preparat...

Alster & Radler - wo liegt der Unterschied?

Alster & Radler - what's the difference?

Have you ever wondered what the difference is between Alster & Radler? We explain - and show you ...