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Truffles - interesting facts about the noble delicacy

by Anastasia Hartleib
Trüffel - Wissenswertes rund um die Delikatesse

The most important facts summarized for you:

  • Truffles are mushrooms that grow underground and are considered a delicacy.
  • Truffles have an intense aroma that tastes earthy and nutty.
  • There are different varieties that differ in both appearance and aroma.
  • Contrary to popular belief, truffles can actually be cultivated.
  • Truffles are found all over the world - and are used in many recipes.

Truffles are exquisite delicacies that delight connoisseurs all over the world. These rare, subterranean mushrooms are considered true treasures in gourmet cuisine. Their history goes back a long way and their use spans a variety of culinary applications, ranging from simple dishes to luxurious meals. Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of truffles and learn more about their occurrence, their biodiversity and their many uses in the culinary world.

What are truffles?

Truffles are known among gourmets worldwide and are considered a true delicacy. These precious mushrooms grow underground, usually in oak or hazelnut forests, and are highly prized for their intense aroma. The taste of truffles is unique and gives dishes a very special touch. Their rarity and exquisite aroma make them a sought-after ingredient - and not just in fine dining.

Trüffel sind unterirdisch wachsende Pilze, die aufgrund ihres Aromas als Delikatesse gelten
Truffles are mushrooms that grow underground and are considered a delicacy due to their aroma

Truffle fun facts

  • Truffles in the plural means truffles.
  • The University of Turin has been working on a truffle DNA test to expose fake truffles.
  • Truffle pigs have been banned in Italy since 1982 because they have caused too much damage in the truffle hunt
  • In 1999, the largest truffle was found in Istria (Croatia). The white truffle weighed 1.3 kg.

Truffle occurrence

Truffles are found all over the world and thrive in quite a few climate zones. The noble mushrooms grow in association with a host plant, usually trees, and have certain requirements in terms of soil conditions. This is why there are regions where truffles thrive particularly well.

Contrary to popular belief, truffles can actually be cultivated as long as the soil quality requirements are met. Although this does not make truffle cultivation easy, it is not impossible. France and New Zealand are considered to be the world's largest truffle producers.

Trüffel wachsen vor allem unter bestimmten Laubbäumen
Truffles grow mainly under certain deciduous trees

Truffles in Germany

In Germany, it is mainly summer truffles that can be found in forests with certain tree species such as oak, beech or hazelnut trees. It is important to note that truffles are an endangered species in Germany and are therefore protected. It is therefore strictly forbidden to harvest or collect them so as not to further endanger their survival in the wild. However, there are special truffle festivals and markets where you can legally purchase and enjoy these delicious mushrooms.

The history of truffle hunting and cultivation

The tasty mushrooms were already known in ancient times and were a sought-after delicacy. Over the centuries, many legends have grown up around the discovery and enjoyment of truffles. One of the best-known legends says that truffles were discovered by pigs. Allegedly, farmers observed their pigs digging wildly in the forest and came across the precious mushrooms. This connection between animals and truffles still exists today.

In the past, truffle pigs were often used, which are specially trained to search for truffles. These highly specialized animals have a keen sense of smell and can detect truffles underground. In some regions, particularly in France and Italy, truffle pigs are still used to harvest truffles. Today, it is mainly dogs that are used for truffle hunting, as pigs often dig up the precious soil too much.

Früher wurden für die Trüffelsuche vor allem Schweine eingesetzt. Heute nehmen Trüffelsammler speziell trainierte Hunde mit.
In the past, pigs were mainly used for truffle hunting. Today, truffle collectors take specially trained dogs with them.

With the progress in agriculture, truffle cultivation has also become more important. Since the 1970s, truffles have also been successfully bred and cultivated in controlled environments. The cultivation of the mushrooms takes place worldwide.

Truffle species at a glance

Truffles are really something special and a real delicacy that delights gourmets all over the world. There are many different types of truffle, from black truffles and white truffles to summer truffles and winter truffles. Each variety has its own characteristic features and flavor profiles that are worth discovering.

Black truffles

Die Périgord-Trüffel begeistert durch ihr erdig-nussiges Aroma
The Périgord truffle delights with its earthy, nutty aroma

The black truffle, also known as the Périgord truffle, is definitely one of the most sought-after types of truffle on the market and is particularly prized in fine dining. It is characterized by its intense aroma, which is often described as earthy, nutty and even chocolaty. Its unmistakable taste gives dishes a unique touch and makes the black truffle a sought-after ingredient in gastronomy.

Black truffles are quite rare and their harvest is extremely laborious. They grow deep underground, usually in oak or beech forests, and have to be tracked down by specially trained dogs (or pigs). The laborious harvest requires a lot of patience and experience, as the truffles have to be carefully dug out without being damaged. This process makes black truffles an exclusive and sought-after culinary delight for gourmets all over the world.

White truffle

Die weiße Trüffel, auch Alba Trüffel, gilt als Königin unter den Trüffeln
The white truffle, also known as the Alba truffle, is considered the queen of truffles

The white truffle - also known as the Alba truffle - is often referred to as the queen of truffles due to its unique and intense aroma. This precious delicacy, which also grows underground, is mainly found in southern European regions in France, Italy and Croatia. Compared to black truffles, white truffles differ not only in color, but also in taste and rarity. While black truffles have an earthy aroma, the white truffle is characterized by a finer and more subtle note, which makes it a sought-after ingredient in fine cuisine.

Summer truffles

Sommertrüffel sind etwas milder als klassische Schwarze Trüffel
Summer truffles are somewhat milder than classic black truffles

Summer truffles, also known as Burgundy truffles, are known for their milder flavor compared to other truffle varieties and are therefore well suited for those who are not looking for an overwhelming truffle experience. They go particularly well with light summer salads, pasta dishes or as a delicate garnish for fine starters. Summer truffles reach maturity in September and grow mainly in loamy soils and pine forests. Summer truffles are black truffles, but are distinguished by their milder taste and lighter interior.

Winter truffles

Wintertrüffel zeichnen sich durch ihren Muskat-ähnlichen Geruch aus.
Winter truffles are characterized by their nutmeg-like smell.

Winter truffles are also known as nutmeg truffles and, like summer truffles, belong to the black truffle family. They are harvested in October and are characterized by their nutmeg-like smell. Although the winter truffle also delights with its intense, earthy aroma, the flesh of this type of truffle is somewhat lighter and less marbled than that of the Périgord truffle.

China truffles

China Trüffel sehen zwar aus wie Trüffel, haben aber kaum Aroma.
Although China truffles look like truffles, they have hardly any aroma.

China truffles, also known as Himalayan or Asian truffles, resemble Périgord truffles on the outside, but cannot compete with the original black truffles in terms of flavor. Unfortunately, they only have a very weak aroma and are therefore mainly used by dubious producers either mixed with real black truffles or in products that are supposed to be upgraded at a low price.

What are fake truffles?

The prices that can be achieved for real truffles are enormous - and the demand for these precious mushrooms has been unbroken for centuries. Unfortunately, this high demand also means that there are many counterfeiters offering inferior products. False truffles include the aforementioned Chinese truffles, as they look similar to real black truffles but have hardly any aroma.

Once the two varieties are on the shelf together, consumers can hardly tell the difference between real and fake truffles. The University of Turin has developed a DNA test to distinguish between real and fake truffles. Genuine truffles can also be identified by microscopic examination. However, actual differentiation using only the human senses is not possible, or only possible in rare cases.

Truffles - use in the kitchen and gastronomy

Truffles lend an exquisite aroma and a noble note to many dishes, whether in the home kitchen or in upscale gastronomy. Whether white or black truffles, they are a delicacy that delights gourmets all over the world. In gastronomy, truffles are often used for pasta, risotto, sauces and even desserts. Their intense flavor turns every dish into a culinary experience! Classic recipes with truffles include

Ein beliebtes Rezept sind Tagliatelle mit Butter, Parmesan und Trüffel
A popular recipe is tagliatelle with butter, parmesan and truffle

  • Tagliatelle with truffle, butter and parmesan
  • Truffle risotto
  • Beef fillet with truffle and potato gratin
  • Truffle tiramisu

Truffles: how to select, store and prepare them

When cooking with truffles, it is important to know how to select, store and prepare them correctly in order to bring out their full potential.

To select the best truffles, you should first pay attention to the color and smell. Black truffles usually have a dark, almost black color, while white truffles have a lighter, cream-colored skin. They also differ greatly in smell: black truffles have an intense, earthy scent, while white truffles have a more subtle, garlicky smell. When buying truffles, it is important that they are firm and heavy. Avoid soft or light specimens, as they may no longer be fresh. Also make sure that the surface is undamaged.

Trüffel sollten am besten luftdicht verpackt im Kühlschrank aufbewahrt werden.
Truffles are best stored in an airtight container in the fridge.

Fresh truffles are best stored in an airtight container in the fridge and eaten within a few days of purchase to enjoy their flavor to the full. Black truffles are mainly used for hot dishes due to their intense aroma, while white truffles are also excellent raw and sliced over cold dishes.

Frequently asked questions and answers about truffles

What different types of truffles are there?

There are different types of truffles, including black truffles, white truffles and summer truffles.

Where are truffles mainly found?

Truffles are mainly found in countries such as France, Italy and Spain. However, truffles are found all over the world.

How much do truffles cost?

100 g Perigord truffles from France, for example, cost € 210. So €2100 per kilo. (Retrieved February 2024: https://trueffelshop.de/produkt/schwarze-perigord-truffel-wintertruffel-tuber-melanosporum-frankreich-1g-2/) However, the price of truffles varies according to quality and type.

Is there a cheap alternative to truffles?

Of course, no food can replace the incomparable aroma of truffles. But there are alternatives that can provide at least a similar taste experience. For example, you can use mushrooms such as shiitake or chanterelles to achieve a similar flavor. Truffle oil or truffle salt are also affordable options for adding at least a hint of this special flavor to dishes.

What do truffles taste like?

Truffles have a unique taste that is described as earthy, aromatic and intense. The aromatic characteristics vary depending on the variety.

How are truffles used in the kitchen?

Truffles can be sliced fresh or used as an ingredient in various dishes to give them a special touch.

Why are truffles so expensive?

Truffles are very expensive due to their rarity and the complicated harvesting process.

Is there a season for truffle hunting?

Yes, the main truffle season is between October and January, depending on the type of truffle you are looking for.

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About the autor:

Anastasia Hartleib

Anastasia Hartleib

Katalog & Marketing Managerin

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