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The organic and vegan healing drink JAMU is available in three delicious flavors. All JAMU Organic Spices varieties are based on original Indonesian JAMU recipes with bioactive plant substances such as turmeric, ginseng, ginger and licorice root. These so-called adaptogens are beneficial and can strengthen body and mind - each composition of herbs, spices and juices has a different effect. Natural, carbonated mineral water as well as organic cane sugar or agave syrup not only provide a round taste experience, but according to traditional JAMU teachings, they also enable the absorption of micronutrients in the first place. At the same time, the JAMU Wellness Drinks can do one thing above all: taste extraordinarily good and quench thirst in a holistically healthy way.
Jeestinger Bräu
Spitzenmäßige Biere aus dem Rheinland. Gebraut in der Region mit feinstem Hopfen und Gerstenmalz für ein nachhaltiges Biererlebnis. Von Jeestinge in die Welt - Seit 2017 experimentieren und brauen wir handwerklich in kleineren Mengen Biere in unserem Heimatort Hennef-Geistingen. Daraus ist die Idee entstanden für uns lokal eine Biermarke für Jeestinge auf die Beine zu stellen. Durch Unterstützung lokaler Mikrobrauereien fertigen wir seit 2023 Biere in größeren Mengen für Jeestinge, das Rheinland und darüberhinaus.
Als erster First Class Energy Drink erfüllen wir stets ein hohen qualitativen Anspruch, der sich im gesamten Drink widerspiegelt. Vom edlen und schönen Design bis zu unseren ausgewählten, natürlichen Inhaltsstoffen. Erlebe selbst mit JOULE pure Energie, beeindruckendes Design und das beste Geschmackserlebnis! Unsere Energy Drinks sind eine Symphonie aus natürlichen Fruchtsäften wie Acai, Guave und Zitrone. Bei der Auswahl unserer Inhaltsstoffe gehen wir keine Kompromisse ein. Nur die hochwertigsten und besten Zutaten finden den Weg in unsere Produkte, um unseren Kunden ein authentischen und erfrischenden Genuss zu bieten. Keine künstlichen Zusatzstoffe oder Geschmacksverstärker. Jede Dose enthält Fairtrade-Rohrzucker sowie ausschließlich natürliche Aromen und Guarana-Koffein für einen belebenden Energieschub. Ginseng, grüner Tee und Acerola versorgen dich mit Vitalität und Antioxidantien. Spüre selbst, wie diese natürlichen Inhaltsstoffe deinen Körper revitalisieren und deinen Geist beleben - vegan,... More
Jungewilmser Gin
Jungewilmser Gin-Manufaktur creates Bathtub gin exclusively by hand in small batches. Through the special manufacturing process, the botanicals give the gin creations a natural coloring, completely without dyes. The botanicals are finely tuned to each other and guarantee a special kind of taste experience.
We bring culinary classics prepared at a high level into the glass, variety to the kitchen shelf and enjoyment to the table. In 100% organic quality, with a focus on regionality and seasonality. Cooked with heart and hand by chefs from starred restaurants. Freshly prepared in small quantities.
Kamora // Reinschorle & Voll auf die Nuss
We are KAMORA - and have been putting our ideas into practice as a creative team since 2019. With REINSCHORLE, we produce our own organic wine spritzers with selected organic quality wines from Rheinhessen. In addition, we pack the best of the hazelnut in the bottle to go FULL ON THE NUT.
Kara, the refreshing, sassy, sustainable soda made from cascara and apple, naturally invigorating and no added sugar Cascara (coffee cherry) is the dried husk of the coffee bean unmistakably aromatic tart flavor.
Karl Schöttker Destillerie
The Karl Schöttker Distillery was founded in 1901 in the Old Hanseatic Town of Lemgo, making it the oldest distillery in the Lippe district. We attach great importance to regional raw materials and value our craftsmanship.
KEINGIN breaks with the gin rules we know and makes a gin without juniper. KEINGIN works just like gin with botanicals that are added to a neutral alcohol so that it absorbs its delicious flavors. In KEINGIN, these four botanicals are mint, orange, lemon and ginger. This results in a fruity-aromatic palate game that, especially with tonic, is reminiscent of gin, but is not gin at all.
Kessel 29 Destillerie
The Kettle 29 Distillery ...is a manufactory that produces gin in a small batch process. From distilling to bottling to the production of labels, everything is done by hand and with the utmost care in our house. Distilled ...is done exclusively in a pure copper pot still. This is where the name comes from, the 29 stands for copper in the periodic table. With a batch of only 50 bottles, we take the term "small batch" particularly seriously. Only fresh ingredients and dried spices. We use no artificial flavors, colorings, additives or preservatives. The macerates for our gins are made with 10-15 botanicals over several days in high quality, multi-distilled alcohol and then redistilled. For the labels we use environmentally friendly grass paper. Due to the grass, a special haptic structure can be seen.
Kirberg Manufaktur
We have been doing MADE FOR LECKER catering since 1982 - a long time. And the nice thing is: we still enjoy doing what we do. Again and again with pleasure. Full of joy to entertain guests, to give them a nice day, to cook for them, to surprise them, with atmosphere, with something that will be remembered. We love to cook, to create tastes that are unusual, that make people happy. We are creative. We are courageous. Even if we sometimes get punched in the face for it. We are unconventional. When we were paralyzed by the pandemic, we came up with the idea for Kirberg Manufaktur: Let Kirberg put something delicious in jars. For home. For the barbecue. For breakfast. For every taste. As a gift or a souvenir. Volker our cooking virtuoso at Kirberg developed and tinkered with new taste creations and our desire for tasty things in jars grew stronger every day. We put our heads together with our chef friend Brigitte Bengner, who for her part had been pursuing this idea for several years, and shortly thereafter... More
Kiss of Wine
Discovering new wines is one of the most enjoyable pleasures for us. From classic rosé from Provence to Piedmontese Nebbiolo, all of our wines come from small, independent growers, the kind you'd normally only find at a good wine merchant. We package our wine in convenient 250 ml cans so you can enjoy just one glass on a weekday evening.