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Cocktails - classics & recipes to mix yourself

by Honest & Rare Editorial Team
Cocktails - Klassiker & Rezepte zum selber mixen

Experienced bartenders from all over the world have now elevated cocktail mixing to a true supreme discipline. Would you like to mix your favorite cocktails yourself and enjoy them at home? No worries. You don't need extensive bartending training to do this. With the right recipes, good spirits and the right accessories, you can easily mix Mojito, Sex on the Beach, White Russian & Co. in your own bar at home.

Cocktail recipes for the home bar

Cocktails are a dime a dozen. A delicious cocktail is not only reserved for festive occasions, enjoying a multi-faceted mixed drink at home is also very popular. Do you like to end the day with a mojito or gin and tonic after a stressful day at work? Then here are a few recipes for enjoying a cocktail in your own home.

Super erfrischend -  der Mojito Cocktail
Super refreshing - the mojito cocktail


The mojito is a classic cocktail recipe. With its mixture of rum, mint and lime, it is the perfect refreshment at any summer party.

If you want to know where the cult cocktail actually comes from and the best way to make a mojito, take a look at our article: Mojito recipe

Ein Klassiker unter den Longdrinks: der Gin Tonic
A classic among long drinks: the gin and tonic

Gin and tonic

As the name suggests, this classic is a combination of gin and tonic. Here you can find out how the gin and tonic is prepared and what variations you can conjure up: Gin and tonic recipe.

Buy high-quality gin:

Moscow Mule

The Moscow Mule is a refreshing cocktail that is typically served in a copper mug. In our Moscow Mule recipe, we explain why the copper mug is part of the cocktail and how to prepare the iconic drink with vodka.

Der Moscow Mule wird klassischerweise in einem Kupferbecher serviert
The Moscow Mule is traditionally served in a copper mug

Fruity cocktails to make yourself

Fruity cocktails such as Sex on the Beach, Malibu Sunrise or Piña Colada are not just a treat in summer. In addition to the fruity fresh taste, these drinks with fresh fruit or fruit juices are also visual highlights.

Ein Cocktail in jeder Farbe des Regenbogens? Rezepte hierfür findest du unter dem Link weiter unten
A cocktail in every color of the rainbow? You can find recipes for this under the link below

6 colorful cocktail recipes

Life is colorful and so are our favorite cocktails. That's why we've collected cocktail inspiration in every color of the rainbow. Click here for the colorful recipes.

Alkoholfreie Cockails sind nicht nur süß und klebrig! Wir zeigen dir die besten Rezepte
Non-alcoholic cocktails aren't just sweet and sticky! We show you the best recipes

Alcohol-free cocktails

It doesn't always have to be alcohol. These delicious mocktails promise enjoyment without remorse and without a hangover. From fruity to fresh or spicy, everything is included - including some tips on how to use non-alcoholic spirit alternatives. Get all the mocktail recipes here.

Mörderisch gut! Unsere Halloween-Cocktail-Empfehlungen
Murderously good! Our Halloween cocktail recommendations

Halloween cocktails

When zombies, ghosts and other monsters roam the streets again, it's time for spooky Halloween fun. And of course you need the right drinks to go with it! That's why we've put together some ghoulishly beautiful and murderously delicious cocktail and drink inspirations for you. Click here for the Halloween recipes.

Shaker, Jigger, Strainer - wir verraten dir, was du für deine Hausbar wirklich brauchst.
Shakers, jiggers, strainers - we'll tell you what you really need for your home bar.

Bar equipment: typical accessories for preparing cocktails at home

Birthdays, weddings or the start of the barbecue season - there are always good occasions to enjoy delicious cocktails. If you want to mix your own drinks, your home bar should have the right accessories for preparing them in addition to various spirits to provide you with a solid basic set-up. We have put together a clear checklist for you:

Buy good vodka:

This list is just a suggestion, of course the exact basic equipment always depends on which drinks you prefer. We have collected further useful tips for setting up your home bar, as well as information on what you should look out for when buying spirits, in our home bar guide. When buying the right glasses, it's also important to consider which cocktails you want to mix and serve.

Cocktails FAQ

Für Cocktails nimmst du am besten eine Schlagsahne mit ca. 30 % Fettanteil
For cocktails, it's best to use whipping cream with a fat content of approx. 30%

Which cream for cocktails?

For summer cocktails such as Swimming Pool or Piña Colada, you can use conventional whipped cream with a fat content of around 30 percent.

Shortdrinks, Longdrinks, Shooter oder Sours - die Welt der Cocktails ist vielfältig!
Short drinks, long drinks, shooters or sours - the world of cocktails is diverse!

What cocktails are there?

The world of cocktails is almost limitless and new recipes are added regularly. Most drinks can be roughly classified into one of the following categories:

  • Short drinks (classic drink with a high alcohol content and low volume)
  • Long drinks (drinks served in tall glasses)
  • Mocktails or virgin cocktails (non-alcoholic)
  • Shooters (small drinks in shot glasses)
  • Sparkling wine or champagne cocktails
  • Sours (drinks with citrus elements)
  • Flips (cocktails prepared with egg)

Cocktails are also often categorized according to the most important ingredient, e.g. gin or vodka cocktails.

Für erfrischende Cocktails greifst du am besten auf eine möglichst geschmacksintensive Minze zurück
For refreshing cocktails, it is best to use the most flavorful mint possible

Which mint for cocktails?

Not all mint is the same. For cocktails, you should give preference to varieties with the strongest possible flavor, such as

  • Mojito mint (Mentha species nemorosa)
  • Moroccan mint (Mentha spicata var. crispa Morocco)
  • Nana mint (Mentha spicata var. crispa Nane)
  • Spearmint or spearmint (Mentha spicata)
  • If you prefer slightly milder flavors, apple mint (Mentha suaveolens, syn. Mentha rotundifolia) or pineapple mint (Mentha suaveolens Variegata) are recommended.

Steht Soda in deinem Cocktail-Rezept, solltest du nicht einfach auf gewöhnliches Mineralwasser zurückgreifen
If your cocktail recipe includes soda, you should not simply use ordinary mineral water

What is soda for cocktails?

Soda (soda water) is simply a collective term for carbonated table water. In Germany, a minimum content of 570 mg sodium bicarbonate (sodium bicarbonate) per liter is required by law.

Want to find out more about soda water? We have an overview for you here: What is soda water?

2 cl - das Standard-Maß in jeder Bar
2 cl - the standard measure in every bar

What does cl mean in cocktails?

The abbreviation cl stands for the European unit of measurement centiliter. So that you can mix delicious cocktails yourself at any time, we recommend our magazine article on How much is 2 cl - the basic measure.

Sirup kannst du ganz einfach selbst machen. Es gibt aber auch bereits leckere Varianten zu kaufen.
You can easily make your own syrup. However, there are also delicious variants available to buy.

What is sugar syrup for cocktails?

Sugar syrup is a solution that is created by boiling water and sugar. It is used in many cocktails such as Mai Tai, Daiquiri or Gimlet as a pure sweetener or as a balance to lemon juice.

In addition to simple syrup made from granulated sugar and water, there are many other syrup variants, such as sucre de canne or gomme syrup. You can even create colorful drinks with syrup, for example, the Tequila Sunrise gets its characteristic look from the intense red grenadine syrup.

You can also make many other syrups based on sugar syrup, such as lavender, mint or coffee syrup.

Woher kommt der Name Cocktail? Manche vermuten, dass es von den Federn einen Hahnenschwanzes herrührt.
Where does the name cocktail come from? Some suspect that it comes from the feathers of a rooster's tail.

Where does the name cocktail come from?

There are many legends surrounding the origin of the name cocktail (translated: cock's tail), but the following explanations are popular:

Connection between horse breeding and ginger:

Horse traders would insert pieces of ginger rectally into horses so that the animals would raise their tails in a similar way to a cock's tail (cock-tailed horses). As ginger was also a popular ingredient in alcoholic mixed drinks, the name was transferred to the drinks.

Antoine Peychaud invented the first cocktail:

The Frenchman is said to have served various mixed drinks in egg cups in New Orleans. It is said that the word cocktail was later derived from the French term for these containers (coquetier).

Drink with special garnish:

An early mixed drink is said to have been garnished with a rooster's tail feather.

Unfortunately, the exact origin can no longer be traced beyond doubt. The only certainty is that the term first appeared in the Anglo-Saxon-speaking world around 1800.

Don't drink and drive! Even if the alcohol calculator on the internet says otherwise.

How many promille after two cocktails?

How high the blood alcohol concentration is after two cocktails essentially depends on several factors. The decisive factors are gender, age, height and weight. It is not possible to provide reliable information on exact values, as aspects such as medication intake or physical condition are also relevant. We therefore strongly advise against using alcohol calculators on the internet to determine your fitness to drive based on a calculated value.

Alkoholfreie Cocktails - lecker, erfrischend und ganz ohne schlechtes Gewissen
Alcohol-free cocktails - delicious, refreshing and without a guilty conscience

How can I mix alcohol-free cocktails?

Non-alcoholic cocktails are also known as mocktails. The basic ingredients for mocktails are fruit juices, lemonade, syrup and various fillers. We have put together some recipes for 15 non-alcoholic cocktails.

Buy alcohol-free spirit alternatives:

Longdrinks haben meist nur zwei Zutaten. Hierin liegt auch der Unterschied zu anderen Cocktails
Long drinks usually only have two ingredients. This is also where they differ from other cocktails

What is the difference between a cocktail and a long drink?

Cocktails are mixed drinks with an alcoholic base. They consist of at least one spirit and other ingredients such as fruit juices, fresh fruit or lemonade.

A long drink is a simple cocktail variant that only contains two to three ingredients. Well-known long drinks include Screwdriver (vodka and orange juice), Gin Tonic (gin and tonic), Cuba Libre (rum and cola) or Vodka Lemon (vodka and bitter lemon).

Der Long Island Ice Tea zählt weltweit zu den stärksten Cocktails
The Long Island Ice Tea is one of the strongest cocktails in the world

What is the strongest cocktail?

There are many strong cocktails with a hangover guarantee, but the alcohol content of the spirits used is the most important factor. Long Island Iced Tea (gin, vodka, white tequila, brown rum and triple sec curaçao in equal parts) and the Tequila Sunrise (lots of white tequila) are particularly strong. Another special challenge is the Zombie, which contains three to six different types of rum as well as fruit juices. You can even strike down the undead with it.

Einer der beliebtesten Cocktails ist der Sex on the Beach. Ob das wohl an seinem Namen liegt?
One of the most popular cocktails is the Sex on the Beach. I wonder if it's because of its name?

What is the most popular cocktail in the world?

The question of the world's most popular cocktail is not easy to answer. For Europeans, the Aperol Spritz is currently very popular. In bars around the world, the Old Fashioned is very popular, as a recent survey of numerous bartenders showed. Trend drinks come and go, some classics such as the Mojito, Whiskey Sour or Margarita are still the first choice for countless cocktail fans even after decades.

However, Sex on the Beach is the drink most frequently searched for on the internet. But we can't say for sure whether this is really just down to the cocktail recipe...

Are you in the mood for delicious cocktails and can't wait to mix Cuba Libre, White Russian & Co. yourself? Then you'll find a variety of high-quality spirits in our range that you can use to prepare these delicious mixed drinks yourself in no time at all. To the spirits range


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Honest & Rare Editorial Team

Honest & Rare Editorial Team


Some things can only be accomplished as a team. Just like this article here! That's why we mark all jointly created articles as editorial contributions. Cheers!

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